Neck surgeries are routinely done for neck masses such as lipoma, lymphnode enlargement.
Neck also contains an important gland known as the thyroid gland.
- Neck lymphnode removal : Neck lymphnodes are enlarged in many conditions such as tuberculosis, lymphoma( A type of carcinoma), cancers of thyroid, tongue, buccal mucosa. Neck lymphnode testing is essential to arrive at a perfect diagnosis and to start treatment accordingly. Neck lymphnodes are removed and tested which is known as an excision biopsy.
- Thyroid surgery : Thyroid gland is a very important structure in the neck. It sometimes enlarges in conditions such as goitre or cancers of thyroid. Thyroidectomy is a surgery in which thyroid growth is removed for these conditions.
- Tongue mass biopsy : Tongue mass or ulcers are indicative of cancers of tongue . Biopsy of tongue ulcer involves removal of piece of such mass or ulcer which is sent to lab to establish diagnosis.